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Our Mission

North Centennial Manor is a long term care facility committed to providing excellent care to all our Residents in a safe home-like environment.

Click below to view current job postings.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the model long term care facility in the north by putting joy in each Resident’s heart.


For updates regarding the Manor and OUTBREAKS, please visit our Facebook page or visit our OUTBREAK News page.

Interested in becoming a member of the NCM Board of Directors!

Applications now accepted!

Make a donation to improve the life of our Residents!



"I am so happy to be here! My room is perfect! We are very well taken care of at the Manor. I couldn't be happier.”

“We are really well here. You feel like you are at home. I would never leave! We talk a lot among the residents and have great relationships.”

“At the beginning, it was difficult. I wasn't sure I wanted to be here. But now, I am so happy and have made so many friends. They take good care of me.”




© 2014  Created with by E.Lemeiux for North Centennial Manor.

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